Nature has given women the ability to conceive. Just as the soil keeps the sown seed in its bosom, for the right seedling, the female nourishes the sprouts in the uterus for 9 months. During the period of 9 months, the foetus is nourished only on the nutrients of the female body.

Diet after delivery, breastfeeding mother’s diet, mother’s food just after delivery, diet after pregnancy, mother’s diet.

Therefore, after delivery, the female body becomes tired and weak. Recovering this fatigue, weakness is important for the health of the baby as well as the mother. After delivery, not only a baby but also the woman is born again.  In the same way that a baby enters this world with a new body, the female body becomes a pre-marital soft body, hard during pregnancy and again fragile after delivery.

The change in her physical and mental state is dramatically different. In the changed role of married woman and mother, a woman must ‘not be careless’ about her own physical and mental health. From the day after delivery to the next 10 days, special attention should be given to the mother’s diet and rest.

On the first day, it is necessary to add ghee to the diet, take hot rice gruel, tie a cloth bandage around the stomach and rest completely.

Carom seeds in hot water and similar drinks along with other medicines on the following day. Don’t use too much salt.

For the next 2 days, along with the medicine, add ghee to the rice gruel but don’t add salt.

On the fourth and fifth day, give soft rice, ghee and shira. In order to increase milk, foods like Garden cress seeds, Balantshepa, Poppy seeds should be given in the diet. Asparagus kalpa is also used. Take a warm bath and incense.

The next 5 to 10 days, appetite increases, so, poppy seeds, almonds, Garden cress seeds kheer, bajra roti, ghee should be given in the diet. Also take a bath with lukewarm water.

In order to prevent imbalance of VATA dosha in the mother’s body after delivery, the diet contains foods such as poppy seeds, almonds, ghee, which increase heat and lubrication. Wrap a cloth around the abdomen.

After this period of ten days, the mother’s diet should be gradually increased. While increasing the diet, the diet should be increased keeping in mind the mother’s appetite and digestive power.