Samana Vayu Ayurveda | treatment of imbalance of Samana Vayu

KEYWORD VOL (MTH) CPC samana vayu ayurveda 10 - treatment of imbalance of samana vayu

The Samana Vayu plays an important role in the exchange process that takes place in the body. As its name implies, its function is to maintain equality or balance in all things in the body.

All the functions related to digestion cannot be digested without the cooperation of this vata element. It resides in the stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver and spleen and is directly involved in digestion. So lets start with brief information on topic treatment of imbalance of Samana Vayu.

treatment of imbalance of Samana Vayu
treatment of imbalance of Samana Vayu

Samana Vayu is involved and takes care of the process of digesting food at the gastrointestinal tract for a certain period of time, then releasing it into the small intestine, releasing the bile mixture in it that is needed for digestion, separating the two parts of the food, digested part and waste part, sending the digested parts to the heart.

Such an important role is played by the Samana Vayu. The sensation of hunger is given by this vata element. Stomach upset, flatulence, bloating, bile, constant belching, loss of appetite, excessive appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. are caused by an imbalance of Samana Vayu.

Whats is the impact of Prana Vayu and Udan Vayu on Body

When we bring a vegetable into the house, we pick it, we remove the bad, unnecessary part like stalk, roots. Why? So, it is of no use. The same method is used to select food ingredients from this Vayu.

The good part should be kept good, the waste part should not be mixed in it, and the waste part should be kept separated and the waste should not have the good part in it.

Below are the some important factors for treatment of imbalance of Samana Vayu

So, you get the essential elements like proteins, vitamins, fats, carbohydrates from every food from time to time. Today, if you want to build such a distribution machine, even a simple thought of how much it will cost will make you dizzy. But nature has given us this free. If it lasts, you will last longer.

If you continue to eat the wrong kind of food for longer duration, your digestion system will become weak. People who do not have good digestion seem to lack essential nutrients.

The waste material is mixed in the required areas and spreads throughout the body. Weight gain, rheumatism, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, etc., all go beyond imagination. For this, the work of Samana Vayu has to be improved.

We often come across as taking a decision or choosing between good and bad or two options. Which of those thoughts makes you decide right or wrong? Samana Vayu helps in choosing the right thoughts. This same also helps in the work of the mind and intellect

No other science has given so much thought to why diseases occur and to preserve the body, mind and intellect. It is our sincere effort to make the common man aware of the subtle ideas of Ayurveda and to increase ‘health literacy’. So here we conclude topic treatment of the imbalance of Samana Vayu.