Prana Vayu and Udan Vayu| pranvayu in english


The respiratory function of pranavayu and udanvayu continues from birth. Just like a machine has interlocking wheels that are needed to run the machine. wheels in gear system rotate in opposite direction to rotate each other and the machine.

 In this way the movement of the Prana Vayu and Udan Vayu takes place in opposite direction in lungs in the body to function the lungs properly. One goes down and one goes up. Lung diseases, such as asthma, are caused by a breakdown in the function of both of these Vayus.

The well-known form of pranayama is to try to control these two Vayus.

In the infection of COVID 19, the work of prana vayu (pranvayu in English) is not working properly. But along with that, the waste products that are excreted by the body through unwanted exhalation are not excreted at all by the UdanVayu, they accumulate in the blood in a toxic form.

Five Section of Vata / Vayu

And its effect is seen on the vital organs of the patient like liver, lungs, kidneys, heart. Regular pollution, smoking also causes this condition only it happens slowly. Take a simple example, a factory has a chimney.

If the smoke coming out of the chimney does not come out properly, one can easily imagine what will happen if the smoke starts to accumulate slowly in factory making it difficult for the factory workers to work there.

Same thing happens in the body if Udan Vayu imbalances.

All this means that we are breathing easily but there are innumerable movements that are related to each other in the body.

They are created by nature. No matter how much you decide to change, you can’t change it, this has been same for thousands of years.

As we saw in the previous article, plants in nature and our lungs work alike. So, only if nature is taken care of, we will not have to work hard to take care of ourselves properly and automatically … because no matter what happens, in the end

Nature and body are one