Lehan karma (Part 1)

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A child is a lump of clay! We should carefully shape them. That is why childhood is a time of creation of life of a person. During this time it is important to pay attention to the physical, intellectual and psychological development of the child.

Lehan Karma, Suvarnaprashan, Lehan sanskaar, overall development of childe, intellectual development of baby, food for baby if mother’s milk is not enough

At every stage of development, certain diseases develop in the child, so it is very important to increase the child’s immunity during this period to protect against these diseases as well as for the overall development of the child.

Just as many types of vitamin drops, gripe water, nutritional pills, etc. are available in the market today to maintain the health of the child, in the ancient times for the development of the child’s health, strength and intellect, lehan (fine paste of gold, or other hers by rubbing them on sandstone along with Ghee, water etc.) or avaleha were given to the child.

Suvarna (gold) has a special significance in Lehan mentioned in Ayurveda, as Suvarna (gold) is especially enlightening so the newborn baby is licked with Suvarna (gold) and Madha (honey) by rubbing them on sandstone.

Therefore, the method of Suvarnaprashan in Ayurveda is popular and prevalent among all the people. But in Ayurveda, the practice of licking other drugs to baby besides Suvarnaprashan has been described in Ayurveda to boost the immune system of children.

To whom Lehan should be given as follows:

1) Infants who do not get enough milk on their mother’s body

2) A baby who has born by caesarean section

3) If the child has less phlegm and suffers from rheumatism and bile

4) A baby who cries frequently while breastfeeding, a baby who does not get a good night’s sleep

5) A child who eats too much.

6) Children who have less amount of excrement.

7) A child who has intense appetite.

8) A child who doesn’t have any disease yet looks weak.

9) A child who does not defecate for two to three days.

In the next article – Read More

To whom Lehan should not be given