The number of patients suffering from high blood pressure has increased since the day India started eating sea salt. If Rock (sandhav) / black salt are in the diet then blood pressure remains balanced.

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High blood pressure causes many diseases in the future. E.g. Heart disease, cerebral hemorrhage, paralysis, headache, effects on the kidneys, inflammation, eye diseases, etc. When high blood pressure occurs, it is said to eat less salt.

But it is not said that salt alone needs to be changed. If you start to eat rock salt instead of sea salt in high blood pressure, the blood pressure will remain in normal range.

If the body does not get the nutrients it gets from Rock (sandhav) and black salt, it may become cause of paralysis. Causes bleeding in the brain or even paralysis when the blood supply to the brain is not regulated. When Dr. Dixit’s mentor became paralyzed, he gave him homeopathic medicine with Rock (sandhav) and black salt properties for one day. He said that water boiled with rock/black salt is also very beneficial. The above experience shows the importance of using Rock (sandhav) and black salt.

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Consequences of excessive salt intake-:

The amount of sodium in the body increases and therefore the amount of calcium decreases. As a result, the cells of the bones and teeth are affected.

Consequences of high salt intake according to Ayurveda –

Increased bile defects, blood clots, dizziness, irritability, hair loss, hair loss, tooth loss, acidosis, various menstrual complaints in women, many skin disorders, visual effects, impotence, swelling of the limbs, etc.

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Properties of Rock (sandhav) Salt-:

Rock (sandhav) salt enhances digestion, creates lubrication. It’s cold. Balances flatulence. Great for eyes, helps in ovulation. Rock salt provides 94 essential nutrients to the body. Thus the function of each cell becomes optimal.

Knowing the ill effects of excess salt, you should make sure that you do not inadvertently consume extra salt from your diet. All types of wafers, salty snacks, bakery products, pickles, papads are high in salt.

It is also important to use rock salt for cooking so that the cells in the body get the essential nutrients. Complaints of high blood pressure have also started increasing at an early age.

Eye complaints, bone complaints, etc. are on the rise. Iodized salt is also a major cause of these complaints. Using Rock (sandhav) salt for safe and perfect growth of children is a need of the hour.

Rock salt stones are easily available in Ayurvedic shops. It can be finely grounded to powder. It is more beneficial to bring Rock (sandhav) salt stones instead of direct Rock (sandhav) powder.

With a little awareness, the right choice and a little hard work, you and your children will definitely be on the road to health!