Ayurvedic Diet Annaad (food) stage

This stage usually lasts from 2 years to 16 years and the diet changes according to the eating habits and tastes of the children. Since this is crucial stage of their overall growth, they are expected to plan their diet with a view to improving their physical development and intellectual development.

Diet of 2 year old child, balanced diet for children, diet of toddler, balanced diet for school lunch box, school Tiffin

In the same way, children need balanced diet so that they do not become deficient in calcium, iron, and any kinds of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. At the same time, since children go to school for education, their ‘school Tiffin’ is expected to be nutritious.

It is expected that a balanced diet consisting of all types of fruits, vegetables, pulses, cereals, milk and dairy products, dry fruits, eggs, meat, chapati, rice should be provided in the children’s breakfast and meal.

Children should get in the habit of getting up every morning between six and seven and after getting up, they should get in the habit of brushing their teeth and drinking milk.

One cup of milk in the morning and one cup at night is sufficient for children, don’t overdo it.

It is beneficial from the point of view of health and nutrition to use Shatavari kalpa in milk, instead of market available health drinks. Laddu of dried fruits and nuts along with morning milk, are useful for children’s nutrition and iron and blood growth.

Then between 8 and 9 in the morning for breakfast or in a tiffin, give shira, upama, small dosa, small thalipith, parathas made with different vegetables; So that children can include all kinds of vegetables, grains, pulses in their diet.

Many children have very wrong and unhealthy habit of eating biscuits with milk or tea every morning. Children develop indigestion, constipation, obesity or thinning, worms, tooth decay, because of this.

So these things should not be given to children. In fact, the adults in the house should not bring them into the house and eat them, so the children will not eat them.

After this, children should be given one to two chapatti / Roti, leafy vegetables, fruits and salads made from cucumber, carrot, pomegranate and beet root according to their digestibility in their meal or tiffin. Some children are fond of sweets.

They should be given organic jaggery and native cow’s ghee orally along with all these foods.

Children’s diets should not contain oily, spicy as well as stale food, refrigerated foods. When giving tiffin’s or lunch box to children, do not give them in plastic cans. It is more desirable to use a steel box for this. Also, it is healthier to use a water bag made of copper or metal.

Parents often complain that their children do not eat tiffin’s. The main reason for this is that children are given a very heavy to digest, glass of buffalo milk in the morning so that they do not get hungry early.

Also in the morning, along with tea and milk, bakery products like salty biscuits, bread which are heavy to digest and reduce appetite are given.

At the same time, children do not want the same foods in their diet, so they do not eat lunch box due to anorexia. In this case, you can make different healthy recipes for their lunch box.