Fruits should be given to children between 3 and 4 pm after lunch.

Mainly seasonal fruit should be given in it. Also, make sure that the fruits are preferably organic or that natural methods are used instead of chemicals for ripening. Only if such fruits are available should be given along with the peel, otherwise they should given to the children after removing the peel. If organic fruits are not available, fruits should be kept in salt water for at least two hours before giving, so that the effect of pesticides applied on them will be reduced due to osmosis.

By eating all kinds of fruits, children get all the vitamins they need, as well as natural sugars, such as fructose, instead of chemically processed sugar. This reduces the risk of developing diabetes-like disorders in the future.

In many places, it is a very wrong habit to give children something like salty or sweet snacks, bakery products, bread-jam to eat at four o’clock, which is very harmful to the body and stomach. It is much healthier to give nutritious food especially fruits at this time than to give such junk food to children.

When giving fruits to children, it is best to avoid giving milk and milk products for at least two hours before and two hours after, such as milk and banana. Because it is the incompatible food combination.

If the children are asking for food during this time, they should be given light and fresh snacks like Ravadosa, Thalipeeth / paratha , Shevaya, so that the children have a good appetite at 7 to 8 pm.

After this the children need to play some outdoor games in the evening so that their digestion improves and their appetite also improves.

In the evening, children should be given a proper meal between seven and eight in the evening. These should mainly include rice, barley, ghee, fruits, vegetables, pulses, chapatti / Roti.

Children should be given coriander, cabbage, other leafy vegetables along with meal, so that they get all the vitamins from the green leafy vegetable diet.

Such a wholesome food including, grains, pulses, fruits, leafy vegetables, dairy products, fruits should be prepared and if the parents also stop eating outside food themselves, the children will not eat it and will not demand it.

Children should be given a cup of milk at 10 to 10:30 before going to bed at night. In this milk, Shatavari kalpa can be added in winter, gulkand in summer and dried ginger and cardamom in rainy season.

In this way, it can be planed what kind of food should be given to the children throughout the day.

Special care in children’s diet

Children should be given buttermilk in their diet two to three times a week so that the good bacteria in the gut which helps in better digestion can improve digestion.

Children need to be given fermented foods like Dhokla, Uttappa, Idli but they should be given once in two weeks and not frequently as they are difficult to digest.

Avoid giving children bakery products, frequent fried foods, stale food, refrigerated foods, fast food, junk food, chocolate, biscuits, ice cream, cheese, refined and bleached flour.

Children should not be given soft drinks that contain preservatives and are harmful to their health. Instead, make it a habit to drink, drinks like buttermilk, panhe, lemonade, kokum syrup, rose water syrup, unsweetened fruit juice and sugarcane juice. Don’t give stimulants like tea or coffee.

Children should be given Moravla (amla murabba), Chyawanprash, dried fruits, jaggery and peanuts chikki daily.

Mobile TV should not be used while children are eating, so children do not pay attention to TV.

It is up to the parents to inculcate eating and drinking habits in the children. If parents are self-disciplined then the children would follow them.

If dairy products like milk, ghee, butter, buttermilk, are given to the children according to their digestion, they are very useful for their growth and calcium.

In this way, if all the nutrients are given properly, your children will look healthy, intelligent and radiant.