Mother’s diet –

Depending on the season, fruits, vegetables, nuts and dry fruits should be in the diet for 6 months to a year. Dried fruits should include almonds, walnuts which give strength to the body.

 Tragacanth gum (edible gum) should be used in mother’s diet. Because gum builds strength in the mother’s weakened body through its sticky, oily properties. Edible gum laddu (dink laddu) can be made for this.

It is also intended to strengthen the baby’s body through milk. If you don’t feel like eating gum laddu after some time, take one teaspoon of gum laddu after meal. Drink a little hot water after eating gum. Do not drink cold water. Hot water helps digestion.

 There should be cow’s milk, buttermilk, ghee. An earlier article (link for blog 3) had mentioned the benefits of desi cow’s milk.

Bread made from sorghum, finger millet. Rice made of unpolished rice. Minimize wheat use or avoid as much as possible. Wheat is hard to digest.

Sprouted legumes, especially green gram, lentil, black eyed beans, moth beans. Pulses are especially good.

Use unrefined oil from wooden oil extractor instead of refined oil. Important needed nutrients are kept preserved in unrefined oil.

Sugar should be avoided. Instead, Organic jaggery, molasses can be substitute sugar in making laddu. Foods made from refined oil, Dalda should be stopped completely. E.g. All bakery items like biscuits, farsanas etc.

 Rock salt should be used instead of iodized salt.

Mind & Milk –

 The calmer the mind, the higher the quality of milk produced in the mother’s body. For this, one should try to keep the mind righteous. Keep yourself and baby away from the mobile. Because the body and mind of the child are affected by the waves of the mobile. Also keep away from TV. If you want to listen to something for entertainment, you can listen to devotional music, music of various instruments, verse mantras etc. Mantra music and Omkar music must be listened to, especially while feeding the baby.

There are some differences of opinion as to how many days the baby should be breastfed. Some mothers stop breastfeeding after the baby is 1 to 1 and a half years old. There may be reasons for this, such as the mother’s job. But if the milk is continued for about two years till the completion of the second stage, it is useful for the baby’s immunity as well as strength.

Music can help for sound sleep. The sound of mantras like Gayatri Mantra, Omkar Dhvani, Vishnu Stotra, Devi Stotra, Datta Stotra etc. can have a good effect on the baby’s mind by creating positive energy.

 It is strongly advised to drink hot water. Even if you don’t want to drink hot water, at least boil the water and cool it and then use it for drinking, this water is easy to digest and there is no special need to reheat it later. Still it is must to warm the water before drinking in rainy and winter seasons, by this The mother’s body temperature will remain balanced. The purpose is to prevent the mother from getting sick and to keep the baby healthy.

For at least 2 years after delivery, women have to take care of her own health. During this period, women should take Tragacanth gum (edible gum) (one teaspoon after meal), dried fruits (almonds, walnuts) along with a healthy diet and milk. So that in a fast paced life their body will not feel malnutrition. There is no need for any other medicine for symptoms like bone fragility, calcium deficiency, fatigue.